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Monday, December 19, 2011

Try, try again...

Well I promised my Mom to write a blog post every week so she can get updates on Hazel and the family! Here we go..

This month has been a busy one so far for us. I'll update on Jordan first. Just remember it has only been 9 months since his jaw surgery. He had a little scare with his mouth last week. One of his teeth were really hurting and so we went to his orthodontist. He said everything looked good with his teeth and retainer, and advised us to go to a dentist. When he woke up the next day this is what we saw!

Picture to come

His face was so swollen and we were so nervous that it had something to do with his jaw! We went to the dentist and told us it was a bad root canal. We were somewhat relieved! We were able to go see an endodontist that day and get it fixed. Jordan had a good time with the laughing gas :) We were so grateful that things worked out so quickly and that Jordan was able to be out of pain.

This was a good week for me too. My new young women presidency was called. Change is always scary and I have been with the old presidency for a year and a half and I have come to love those women so much! We had a really good time together. They all had a lot going on in their lives with new babies and family matters so it was time for a change. After meeting my new presidency I really feel like we will be a good team. I feel grateful that the Lord has given me motivation and energy for this calling. I don't feel burnt out yet!

On to Hazel! She had a lot of new experiences this week! She had broccoli and peas for the first time and loved it!

She also met a dog for the first time! We visited Loni and Tom and their dog is just Hazels size. He would come right up and lick her in the face and she just giggled. She loves Barley!

She also learned how to clap and put her arms up! It is sooo cute! Here is a little video of her clapping ;)

We also went to see Uncle Nathan's dance performance Christmas Around the World. Nathan was in the Folk Dance Team this year and was in 2 performances during the show. Hazel really enjoyed watching the dancing!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!!!
    I am so glad you are going to update this thing!!
    Can't wait to read more!
    Love ya!xxx
